Free Shows for Children in the Parks
In addition to the winter season, Theatre of Man produced
three free shows during the 1972, 1973 and 1974 seasons specially
staged for children, The Fool of the World in the Flying Ship,
The Bear's Bash created and directed by Eric Berne, and
The Rainbow Caper written by Ben Bayol and directed by
Wendy Rowder. The City of San Francisco Neighborhood Arts Commission
generously allocated $600 per season to Theater of Man for this
The Fool of the World in the Flying Ship adapted by Steve
Friedman, and staged by Sandra Archer featured actors many of
whom won their laurels in the San Francisco Mime Troupe, among
them: Joe Bellan, Darryl Henriquez, and Joe Lomuto.
"A children's show with a great deal of frantic dashing
about, Marx Brothers style, liberally laced with pratfalls and
gymnastics, it is also quite appealing to adults in its wacky
imaginativeness. Fool of the World is one of the sunniest
entertainments around. You don't have to be little to love it."
Anitra Earle, San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 19, 1972